tracy12 Soldat
Data inscrierii: 04/Dec/2024 Mesaje: 1
Trimis: Mie Dec 04, 2024 8:21 Titlul subiectului: How can a newbie learn to play polytrack? |
Here are some simple steps to get you started playing polytrack:
Make a track or choose one: The game's creation tools allow you to make your own tunes or select from a library of tracks.
Pick a vehicle and personalize it to fit your play style and strategy.
Take your time learning how to use the controls; you'll need them during the game. The arrow keys and the WASD buttons are the standard controls for this type of game.
Get a feel for the controls and basic track layouts before moving on to more difficult ones as you go through the game.
Grab a speed boost, a shield, or some weaponry from the many power-ups you'll find along the race. Make good use of them to have the upper hand. |