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HomeLess Soldat

Data inscrierii: 28/Ian/2008 Mesaje: 1 Locatie: Deva
Trimis: Vin Feb 01, 2008 0:24 Titlul subiectului: Movie Of 2oo8 |
In Theatres January 18, 2008
A mysterious creature attacks New York City, sending the metropolis into chaos. J.J. Abrams (LOST) produces this modern-day monster movie seen from the cameras of the people trying to escape.
In Theatres January 25, 2008
After a successful return to the Rocky franchise with ROCKY BALBOA in 2006, Sylvester Stallone stars in this film that reignites his Rambo series. This ultra-violent sequel set in Burma returns Stallone to one of his most iconic roles: the titular John Rambo.
Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who
In Theatres March 14, 2008
Computer-generated animation brings Dr. Seuss' animated classic to the screen with this film from the creators of ICE AGE. When an elephant hears voices coming from a dust particle, he does his best to aid the microscopic creatures in peril. Funnymen Jim Carrey, Steve Carell, Seth Rogen, and Dane Cook provide the voices for this inventive tale.
Forbidden Kingdom
In Theatres April 18, 2008
Martial arts legends Jackie Chan and Jet Li team up for the first time in this action film. Based on the Chinese myth of the Monkey King, THE FORBIDDEN KINGDOM is about a teenage martial arts fan whose discovery of a famous artifact leads him on an adventure through Chinese history.
Iron Man
In Theatres May 2, 2008
Robert Downey Jr. stars as Tony Stark, a man who becomes a superhero after a near-death incident, in this big-budget Marvel Comics adaptation.
Speed Racer
In Theatres May 9, 2008
After the success of the films in the Matrix series, the Wachowski Brothers return to the director's chair with this adaptation of the classic cartoon. INTO THE WILD's Emile Hirsch jumps into the Mach 5 car as Speed Racer, while John Goodman and Susan Sarandon play his parents. Christina Ricci costars as Speed's girlfriend Trixie, and Matthew Fox (LOST) is Racer X, his biggest competitor.
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
In Theatres May 16, 2008
In the second chapter in The Chronicles of Narnia, the Pevensie children return to the fantastic land created by C.S. Lewis. But though only a year has passed on Earth, more than a millennium has gone by in Narnia. A wicked king now rules the country, but Prince Caspian--the young man who should be on the throne--and the Pevensies join forces to return Narnia to its former state.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
In Theatres May 22, 2008
Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford, and Karen Allen are all back for the much-anticipated fourth installment in the Indiana Jones series. For this adventure, they're joined by an all-star cast that includes Ray Winstone, Shia LaBeouf, Cate Blanchett, John Hurt, and Jim Broadbent.
The Dark Knight
In Theatres July 18, 2008
Director Christopher Nolan returns to Gotham City with this sequel to the critical and fan favorite BATMAN BEGINS. In THE DARK KNIGHT, Batman (Christian Bale) squares off against a new foe: the Joker (Heath Ledger). _________________ #Slatina ™ @ IRC UnderNet.Org |
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Baton Caporal

Data inscrierii: 28/Ian/2008 Mesaje: 87 Locatie: Craiova
Trimis: Sam Feb 02, 2008 12:58 Titlul subiectului: |
Asa...nice trebuie sa fie cineva sa ne tina la curent cu filmele noi! _________________ Pai....da! |
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Alex Sergent

Data inscrierii: 29/Ian/2008 Mesaje: 195 Locatie: Slatina / Olt
Trimis: Dum Feb 10, 2008 14:10 Titlul subiectului: |
Ar trebui sa ne tina cineva la curect cu ele dar sa scrie si ce fel de filme sunt SF, Horror, Actiune, Drama, Comedie ..etc. Ca sa stiu si eu ce downloadez =)) _________________ Visit to - SlatinaCity
Visit to - Site oficial #Slatina |
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Francesc Soldat

Data inscrierii: 13/Feb/2008 Mesaje: 43 Locatie: Tg-Jiu
Trimis: Dum Feb 17, 2008 14:23 Titlul subiectului: |
Asa e ... are dreptate Alex ! Cine imi poate zice o comedie tare cu negrii mai noua ? _________________ Francesc, Me Myself and I |
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Alex Sergent

Data inscrierii: 29/Ian/2008 Mesaje: 195 Locatie: Slatina / Olt
Trimis: Dum Feb 17, 2008 16:07 Titlul subiectului: |
Eu iti recomand - "How Hight" , dupa ce te uiti la el astept postare sa imi zici cum a fost  _________________ Visit to - SlatinaCity
Visit to - Site oficial #Slatina |
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Francesc Soldat

Data inscrierii: 13/Feb/2008 Mesaje: 43 Locatie: Tg-Jiu
Trimis: Lun Feb 18, 2008 16:27 Titlul subiectului: |
Tare filmul ! )) Nu am mai ras de mult timp asa de mult la un film ! )) Multumesc Alex pentru recomandare !  _________________ Francesc, Me Myself and I |
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Alex Sergent

Data inscrierii: 29/Ian/2008 Mesaje: 195 Locatie: Slatina / Olt
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RoYaLKiD Locotenent

Data inscrierii: 14/Feb/2008 Mesaje: 384 Locatie: Slatina
Trimis: Vin Feb 29, 2008 0:35 Titlul subiectului: |
E chiar super filmul ala...L-am vazut si eu  _________________ Doctorii imi spun ca sunt nebun, dar vocile din capul meu imi spun ca nu e adevarat ! |
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RoYaLKiD Locotenent

Data inscrierii: 14/Feb/2008 Mesaje: 384 Locatie: Slatina
Trimis: Vin Feb 29, 2008 0:35 Titlul subiectului: |
Apropo...Care`mi zice si mie niste comedii noi ?:>  _________________ Doctorii imi spun ca sunt nebun, dar vocile din capul meu imi spun ca nu e adevarat ! |
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Alex Sergent

Data inscrierii: 29/Ian/2008 Mesaje: 195 Locatie: Slatina / Olt
Trimis: Sam Mar 01, 2008 12:13 Titlul subiectului: |
Vezi ca i-am propus unu lu Francesc uitate si u  _________________ Visit to - SlatinaCity
Visit to - Site oficial #Slatina |
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RoYaLKiD Locotenent

Data inscrierii: 14/Feb/2008 Mesaje: 384 Locatie: Slatina
Trimis: Dum Mar 02, 2008 6:13 Titlul subiectului: |
Pai pe ala l`am vazut...Vreau altele _________________ Doctorii imi spun ca sunt nebun, dar vocile din capul meu imi spun ca nu e adevarat ! |
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Baton Caporal

Data inscrierii: 28/Ian/2008 Mesaje: 87 Locatie: Craiova
Trimis: Vin Dec 12, 2008 2:30 Titlul subiectului: |
nu mai avem altele! _________________ Pai....da! |
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lavender0 Caporal

Data inscrierii: 18/Dec/2023 Mesaje: 107
Trimis: Mar Apr 02, 2024 5:09 Titlul subiectului: trap the cat |
It would be wonderful if we could see a lot more of this. I am grateful that you have specified everything. Due to the fact that I found a lot of material that was really helpful on your website, I have bookmarked your blog. trap the cat |
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